Wondering Soul
Alexander Storey Gordon

8 channel live sound installation, stereo live radio broadcast, 28 mins, 2017.
Sound Design by Richy Carey

A collaboration with artist Alexander Storey Gordon, Wondering Soul is the story of a data mining algorithm that falls in love with a woman and comes to take on a quasi-physical form, embodying her keenest conscious and subconscious desires, a narrative loosely based on a short ghost story by Vijay Dan Detha titled Duvidha or The Dilemma (Detha 1997). It is a work about intimacy and humanity, and the hazy spectre of closeness which technologies perform both the absence and presence of. 

Alexander wrote a script whereby the the algorithm narrates its own journey through forms, voiced by three actors, to create a polyvocal sound that performs the mutable nature of the algorithm, and composed a soundscape to illustrate the story. The exhibition was installed as three rings of surround sound, enveloping each other in the CCA Glasgow theatre space, with a stereo sum of the work going out live as part of Radiophrenia’s Live-to-air performances.


Performed Live-to-air for Radiophrenia, CCA Glasgow, Glasgow. Nov 10, 2017.